Acupuncture for Unique Creatures in Oakland, California

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acupuncture needles

Whether you’ve “tried everything” for a chronic ailment, or you’re looking for preventative care to support your wellness and immunity–acupuncture is safe, effective, and time-tested. Acupuncture needles are tiny, but their impact can be profound. 

Acupuncture is one of the cornerstones of Chinese medicine, which takes a holistic approach that considers the overall health and well-being of the individual rather than just focusing on a specific symptom or condition. Results from consistent acupuncture care can be long-lasting, because we treat the underlying imbalances in the body that lead to illness or injury, in addition to providing symptom relief.

How Acupuncture Works

Viewed through the lens of modern science, acupuncture 

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Releases our bodies’ natural painkillers

  • Promotes tissue healing

  • Relaxes the nervous system–shifting us out of the “fight or flight” mode 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we describe acupuncture treatments as restoring balance to the flow of qi (energy) and blood in the body.

How Acupuncture Works | best acupuncturiust in Oakland | acupuncture needles in hand

What Does Acupuncture Treat?

From headaches to ankle sprains, acupuncture can address a wide variety of conditions, including:

Chronic pain

Headaches and migraines



Carpal tunnel syndrome


Menstrual cramps

Low back pain

Irritable bowel syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome

Thyroid and autoimmune conditions

High blood pressure



Digestive concerns

Cosmetic facial rejuvenation





Hot flashes and night sweats

Side effects of cancer treatment


Menopause and Perimenopause

Moxibustion - Heat Therapy

Traditionally used alongside acupuncture, moxibustion, or “moxa,” is a Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of the herb mugwort on or near the skin to boost immunity, relieve pain, and promote healing. Moxa is often used to treat digestive issues, respiratory problems, neuropathy, and musculoskeletal conditions. It is even traditionally used to help turn breech babies before delivery. If you’ve smelled a pleasant scent like a mild incense at our Oakland acupuncture office–that’s moxa!

Some forms of moxa are also appropriate for home care, between acupuncture appointments. During your acupuncture appointment at Griffin Acupuncture’s East Bay office, you may be advised on particular points to treat at home and will be taught how to use moxa safely.

Moxibustion - Heat Therapy | moxa on skin | Griffin Acupuncture in Oakland


Electro-Acupuncture, or “e-stim,” is a modern type of acupuncture that can be very effective in addressing chronic pain, pain after surgery, and peripheral neuropathy. In an acupuncture treatment using e-stim, a gentle electrical current is run between pairs of needles.

Both acute injuries and chronic pain are often quickly addressed with the use of e-stim as part of an acupuncture treatment. The current typically feels like a gentle tapping or buzzing in your acupuncture needles, and the intensity will be adjusted for your optimal comfort and healing effect. When used to treat locked or painful muscles, e-stim can generate a muscle twitch which helps tight muscle fibers to release. 

Electro-Acupuncture | e-stim | Griffin Acupuncture in Oakland
acupuncture oakland california | acupuncture needles on back

Your acupuncture treatment at Griffin might include moxa, dry needling, or other Chinese medicine modalities. Other styles of acupuncture include Dry Needling and Cosmetic Acupuncture.