Herbal Medicine for the Mind, Body, and Spirit

herbal medicine | herbs for healing in Oakland
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Typically prescribed in synergistic formulas, Chinese herbs are often used to address digestive issues, respiratory problems, skin conditions, and psycho-emotional issues like stress, anxiety, and depression. Herbs are often a critical component of treatment plans for internal medical issues including hormonal and menstrual concerns. Herbal medicine comes in different forms, including brewed raw herbs, teas, and pills.

Natural, safe, and effective

When prescribed by an experienced herbalist, herbal medicine is very safe and supportive for patients of all ages, including pregnant patients and those undergoing cancer treatment. At Griffin Acupuncture & Integrative Medicine, we specialize in providing custom formulated plant-based prescriptions for our vegan and vegetarian patients, as well as custom wheat-free formulations for our gluten-free patients.

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balancing hormones | herbal medicine Oakland

Herbal consultations may be  included in your acupuncture appointment at Griffin’s Oakland office, or may be scheduled via telehealth for patients farther afield.

Questions about Chinese herbal medicine?