Pain Relief from Chinese Medicine for your Senior Dog or Cat

Griffin Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine clinic - animal acupuncture for dogs in Alameda Oakland Berkeley and Piedmont - senior dog outside in San Francisco

My patient Baxter hits the streets of San Francisco

Acupuncture for Your Animal’s Arthritis

I grew up back East with White Christmases, and eventually, it was a late season April blizzard during my final year of college that prompted me to say–”screw it; humans don’t have to live like this!”--and move to the San Francisco Bay Area, where I’ve resided ever since. But as you might know, it can get both cold and damp in many a poorly-insulated Bay Area home this time of year, and I don’t know about you, but my back feels pretty darn creaky in the morning when I get out of bed on these chilly mornings. Guess what–your senior animals are probably feeling it, too. 

Estimates are that up to 80% of dogs aged eight and older, and as many as 60 - 90% of cats over the age of 12, suffer from arthritis. In Chinese medicine, we take a holistic approach to supporting an animal’s wellbeing–and this includes factoring in the effects of seasonal changes on our four-legged friends. 

Exposure to cold is regarded as a potential cause of disease in Chinese medicine, and certain ailments are exacerbated by winter weather, even here in California. A top example of this I see as an acupuncturist working with animals in the East Bay is osteoarthritis–the often-painful joint degeneration that typically occurs with age or after injury. That’s pretty intuitive to understand–ask any human with osteoarthritis, and they will likely tell you it is aggravated by cold conditions, especially when that chill is accompanied by drafts or dampness.

Though our companion animals can’t tell us in words what they are experiencing, you are no doubt familiar with some of the telltale signs that your canine or feline companion might be suffering from arthritis. These can include:

  • Decreased activity

  • Difficulty getting up

  • Inability to jump

  • Reluctance to walk, play, climb stairs

  • Lagging behind on walks

  • Limping or favoring a limb

  • Snapping when touched

One of my very special animal acupuncture patients is Baxter, a gentle, sociable, mutt who was adopted from the San Francisco SPCA as a puppy years ago. Baxter is a loveable white-furred floof with a long back and short legs, similar in shape to a small Basset Hound. Like many common dog breeds and mixes with this body type (think Dachshunds and Corgis), Baxter has what we call an “angular limb deformity”--meaning that his elbows have a characteristic bowlegged look. And while I insist he is, of course, absolutely gorgeous exactly how he is–because of their misalignment, his elbow and wrist joints have experienced joint degeneration and become increasingly painful as the years have passed.

Baxter is an example of how genetics can put your animal companion at an increased risk for arthritis. Joint injuries and surgeries as a youngster can also mean your dog is more likely to develop arthritis at the site of injury as they age.

Wondering if your dog or cat is at higher risk for arthritis? Email me at for a quick free assessment. 

When I do acupuncture treatments for animals with joint pain, I’ll choose a combination of arthritis-fighting acupuncture points that act to increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and stimulate the release of their body’s natural painkillers, like endorphins. My buddy Baxter’s dads report that he is much more active when he’s getting regular acupuncture treatments, along with cold laser therapy and supportive nutritional supplements. (Read more about laser therapy and acupuncture for pain relief.)

Holistic Pet Tips from Chinese Medicine

In osteoarthritis, there is a lack of sufficient circulation of blood, warmth, and vitality in the joints, so we describe this as a cold, or “yin,” disease. Arthritic dogs’ and cats’ backs or extremities might actually feel cold, and you might  find that they naturally seek out warm spots for relief.

This concept of degenerative joint disease as a yin disease suggests lifestyle and environmental recommendations that you can implement at home to support your senior animals, as well as those at higher risk for developing arthritis. 

  • Provide heated dog or cat beds, or heating pads designed for pets

  • Dress them  in doggie sweaters or jackets–fashion meets function!

  • Cover animal companions in a cozy blanket to keep them warm

  • Keep your animals away from cold, damp, and drafty areas

Gentle exercise (a warming, “yang” activity) is also important as dogs age. Moderate, low impact movement will strengthen muscles, keep ligaments and tendons flexible, and help blood circulate to stiff joints. Gentle massage is another way to help maintain good circulation

I adore both my two- and four-legged patients, and I think I’m the luckiest acupuncturist in all of Oakland to be able to help your whole, interspecies family get through the wet East Bay winter feeling spry! Contact Marina Village Veterinary in Alameda to book your acupuncture appointment for your dog, cat, or rabbit; or head to my bookings page to schedule your own Chinese medicine tune up. Now bundle up, and let’s go get 2024!

Dr. Lisa Franzetta is a licensed acupuncturist in Oakland, California and a Fellow of the American Board of Animal Acupuncture. She provides acupuncture for dogs and cats in the East Bay at Marina Village Veterinary, an integrative veterinary clinic in Alameda.


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