Why So Many Olympians Are Hooked on Cupping
Curious about those telltale cupping marks so many Olympic athletes are sporting? Cupping speeds muscle repair—for optimal performance and fast-acting pain relief.
Adventures of an Oakland Herbalist: Visiting a “Medieval” Medicinal Herb Garden
What do Chinese and Western herbs have in common? An Oakland herbalist visits the medicinal herb garden at The Cloisters and finds some familiar plant allies.
Pain Relief from Chinese Medicine for your Senior Dog or Cat
Acupuncture can offer powerful, safe pain relief for senior dogs and cats “slowing down” due to arthritis—especially during the chilly winter season.
Sports Injuries, Acupuncture, and Turkey Trot Talk
Acupuncture reduces pain, decreases inflammation, and corrects muscle imbalances—making it an important part of your sports injury recovery regimen.
Nurturing Your Body with Chinese Medicine during the Autumn Equinox
The beginning of autumn is a great time to check in on the guidance traditional Chinese medicine offers for supporting our overall wellness this time of year—including season-specific support for our respiratory system and for tough emotions.
Acupuncture for TMJ Pain
Acupuncture is a natural and effective way to manage the tooth and jaw pain of TMJ disorder (TMJD)—and the stress that underlies it.
Why I won’t prescribe donkey skins (ejiao)
Many traditional Chinese medicine formulas contain donkey skins, known as ejiao. But there are humane, sustainable herbal alternatives that do not support this cruel global trade.
Is Chocolate Good for You?
Is chocolate good for you? What is the nutritional value of the superfood also known as cacao, and what does Chinese medicine say about the benefits of eating chocolate?
Winter Breakfast Obsession: Black Sesame Porridge
This yin and blood nourishing, plant-based black sesame porridge, courtesy of The Vegan Chinese Kitchen, is the perfect delicious and medicinal warming winter breakfast.
Help for UTIs from Chinese Medicine
Vanquish your UTIs—acupuncture and Chinese herbs can safely and effectively treat the dastardly pain of urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis.